Plant virus

ZYMV Zucchini yellow mosaic virus

  • ZYMV is an aphid-borne virus that causes yield losses and fruit quality defects in cucurbit crops.
  • The genus Potyvirus is one of the larger groups of plant viruses, and they cause diseases in a wide range of plant species.
  • The genus currently consists of 167 species that infect monocots or dicots, including domesticated and wild plants.
  • The representative species is ZYMV

Host range

  • The natural host range of ZYMV is essentially limited to members of the family Cucurbitaceae.
  • ZYMV infects all cultivated cucurbit types including cucumber, pumpkin, rockmelon, squash, watermelon and zucchini.

How it is spread

  • It is transmitted by several species of aphids in a nonpersistent manner.
  • Aphids vectors and method of transmission
  • ZYMV was transmitted from infected to healthy host by direct contact.
  • ZYMV is readily spread between plants when footwear, cutting implements or machinery damage infected leaves and the infective sap then brushes or rubs onto healthy plants.


  • ZYMV causes very severe symptoms of mosaic, yellowing, stunting and deformity on the foliage of virtually all cucurbits.
  • It also causes deformation and discolorations of the fruits and early attacks can lead to total loss of crops
  • Symptoms are similar to those caused by infection with WMV (Watermelon mosaic virus) and PRSV (Papaya ringspot virus).

    Malformation and distortion of ZYMV infected on cucumber leaves and fruit